MercuryAI In-Depth Analysis

Analysis of a Conversation Between Former President Trump and Elon Musk

August 12, 2024 5pm PT / 8 pm ET on X Spaces (hosted by the official Donald Trump X account)

After lengthy unexplained tech delays, it wasn’t quite clear whether Elon Musk thought he was the one running for President or if he was trying to learn how former President Trump felt about the issues, but minutes after the end of the live discussion between Elon Musk and former President Trump hosted on Trump’s official X account, Mercury Analytics reviewed and analyzed the full discussion using MercuryAI — all at the touch of a button.

The “live conversation” was billed by Musk as one “unscripted with no limits on subject matter,” who said the conversation “should be highly entertaining.” In fact, it included a lot more Musk than Trump, with clear explanations by Musk of his views of what’s wrong with America and what needs to change. Donald Trump agreed with most and repeated most of the gripes Musk has had for some time.

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