
AI Done Right.

Instant insights & reporting  for qualitative research: survey open-ends, online focus groups, & IDIs.

Rapid results for clients, better insights for analysts, all at the push of a button.

 What is MercuryAI?

 With just a few clicks, MercuryAI generates extraordinary analysis of open-end verbatim survey responses, for any audience segments, for any questions in your survey, or generates meeting summary reports with amazing clarity and insight for in-depth interview or focus group projects. Deep, always on-point insight in minutes.

Private & Secure: Your Proprietary Data is Protected
Controlled & Focused: Designed to Interpret Your Data Alone
Available in Minutes: For Your Rapid Review and Approval

 Focused exclusively on your data and always 100% private and secure, MercuryAI provides extraordinary in-depth and insightful analysis of all forms of qualitative research including open-ends, focus groups, and IDIs.

MercuryAI is seamlessly integrated and available for all clients on Mercury’s Analytics Workbench platform, providing real-time access to project data and analysis for every project, at no additional charge.

Explore your AI options with Mercury Analytics:

Open-End Verbatims

Generate Overall Summaries or dive into Emotional Sentiment with Emotional Summaries. Review Major Themes or Major Themes with Best Quotes, automatically code Open-end verbatims, or perform Custom Analysis. You can even compare views of different audiences with a click.

  1. Define any audience for segmentation.

  2. Select the type of analysis you want from the dropdown.
3. Click Analyze.

4. Download analysis for reports.

MercuryAI is included with all full-service qual or quant projects at no additional cost.

If you are fielding your research on another platform, the Mercury Project Team will simply upload your survey data or focus group/IDI video to the Analytics Workbench platform when you’re ready.

Not sure where to start?

Focus Groups & IDIs

Quickly generate comprehensive meeting summaries for your analyst team or to share directly with clients.

MercuryAI analysis tools are ready to assist you as soon as your video is finished uploading onto the LiveLabs Workbench.

You not only have all-in-one searchable videos, transcripts, client notes and clip-making capabilities, but the power of one-touch AI.

  1. Select interview or group for review.

  2. Select the type of analysis you want from the dropdown.
3. Click Analyze.

4. Download analysis for reports.

As soon as a meeting is complete or uploaded, generate a comprehensive analysis or an analysis of critical portions of the meeting – within minutes (Scheduled release July 2023).

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